We all dream of a good life. We all feel and believe we deserve it. We all want a step-up from our present level or circumstance to something better, something way, way better than what we presently experience. And it doesn't really matter where we presently are in life, both the poor and the rich always want a better life.
Everybody wants a status change. The poor want to be rich and the rich want to be richer. Some seek societal influence and so aspire for political, business or educational power. Politicians want to be gods over men, businesses want to be sole suppliers of goods or services, while academicians want to be respected for being the "best' brains on planet earth. The list is endless.
Quite a number of people with dreams really think their dreams will just come to pass because they are the ones who have them. They believe that because they have some great ideas in their heads it automatically equates to success about to happen as their ideas cannot be faulted as they most likely must be the best ones around. Imagine then the frustrations that follow when they're hit with reality, that just because you have a potential world-conquering idea doesn't mean you will actually conquer the world. For in truth, only the ideas that work will actually rule.
Serious effort must be made and a price paid for dreams to truly come to pass. My acronym for PRICE is PAY RELEVANT INSTITUTIONS COSTS EXPECTED. There is a cost we must pay at different levels and to different institutions if we truly desire to succeed....you must pay the cost of proper study if you want to excel in your exams; you must pay the cost of building sincere friendships if you want to excel in your relationships; you must pay the cost of delivering true and enduring value to clients (potential and actual) if you want to excel in your business, etc.
We cannot expect to get something for nothing. It's like gambling with your life's dream. Nothing just happens in this life. It takes time to build anything good because to build involves a process and that process involves effort.
Locate the relevant price you need to pay for your dreams and determine to pay it to the fullest. Then watch your dreams happen for real.