I got this title off my dear friend, Nneka Ugwu, who made a very short, precise and succinct point on her Facebook page days ago. And it kept on resonating in my spirit with some thoughts I've had for quite a while. It kept tugging at certain questions on my mind...
Why do I opt for suicide instead of finding a way out, even if it means pushing myself beyond my limits? Why do I feel intimidated by colleagues at work who may possess certain educational certificates more than I do? Why am I afraid of what others may or could say about me simply because I don't (yet) have what they do...a house, car, "good" job or business, a good husband or wife, and so on? Why do I constantly allow people to push me around based on my lack of certain "achievements"? Why do I allow myself to be caged or locked up in a box? Why do I allow myself to either be a negative talking point or a constant laughing stock?
The answer is really pretty easy actually...I don't see value in myself and so allow others to treat me like I really have no value!
Yet, in truth, I am very valuable! And I am surrounded by greatness because of what I possess! That I do not presently notice it or realize it does not make it any different. Listen, everyone of us carry something valuable. We all carry something unique. In fact, it is because we are individually different that we are all valuable. No one can be like you and if the other person carries something of value, my friend....so do you!
The fact that you may seem inconsequential to others does not mean that you're not valuable. In fact, your own ability to notice your own value far outweighs whatever anyone else may think. It's simply a thought they carry about you, not what they know about you.
Your value isn't measured by what people say about you but by what level of your mind you've been able to mine out. Yes, your mind carries so much good stuff that it'll amaze you what you can accomplish with it. Your mind has a capacity that cannot be measured by anyone yet can be positively expressed by you from time to time. No one can measure the quality of your mind but they certainly cannot deny the expressions of quality it exudes when you take out quality time yourself to work it and mine it for yourself.
The quality of your mind is actually the quality of your life! And I'm not just talking of going to school only; that is very important, yes. But beyond school, your ability to exercise your mind to the point where it begins to offload certain virtues for you is the greatest good you can ever do for yourself. If it were only about going to school, I can personally name a few Masters holders or professors that I know whose line of thinking will literally push you into horror mode!
The life we live here on earth is all about being able to give and receive value. And that value resides inside our minds. The day people begin to perceive and see the value you carry, whatever initial thoughts of disrespect they were harbouring before can be turned around. Besides, people will always pay for good value, and if you're the one carrying it you're sure you'll get paid for your brilliant mind!
You are not cheap...so stop feeling unduly sorry for yourself and instead make a commitment to get out of your present predicament. And you can do so too. But you must first of all realize your own uniqueness and try to mine out the value you carry.
I have said my own. The question for you now is this.....Are you cheap?
You really should take out some time to pause and ponder on this for a while.
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