Whether or not we like it, this year will end...and soon too. We may not have achieved everything we wanted this year but time isn't going to wait for us to see if per chance some of our expectations will still come true. While it is still very possible that we could still see some dreams happen before the year ends, I think it would be most advisable that we begin to plan ahead for the coming year. And the sooner we set on doing that, the better.
The reality is that quite a number of our results or a lack of them this year were based entirely on how we planned for them and also on how we went about to execute our plan. Life is primarily about cause and effect, and so what you put into it will determine what most likely you will get out of it. We will need to avoid the temptation of sulking all over the place about what and what didn't happen for us this year and instead take a very deep and cursory look at what we may have done or not done for us not to have had our desired results for 2014. It's called stock-taking and if we're honest and sincere enough with ourselves, we should be able to come up with a very fair and unbiased assessment of ourselves and how we've handled this year. It should show us what we did and got right, and what we did and got wrong. In any case, the main thing is to improve on our results in the coming year.
To ensure that we get results in the coming year, we must be ready to properly define how it will be for us. We can't afford to gamble our way through 2015 and certainly can't depend on luck to happen for us. Our lives are too precious and important to be lived based on chance, it is not even the way to live. So, here are a few pointers that I believe will help us achieve our goals for the coming year if we're willing and ready to apply ourselves to them:
Be Sincere
If you don't really desire a change in your life, then there's no need to have any expectation. But if you desire change, then you must be very sincere about it. You must mean it. It mustn't just be one of those things we do because we see others do them. Change is only going to be possible if you're first of all sincere about it, because it is only then that you will now have the necessary drive to push forward towards your goal. Be sincere about yourself and also about the real change you truly want. Sincerity is the truth and is also the foundation for good progress.
Be Positive
You can't aspire towards change with a double-mind, with a mind that wants to push on one minute and then the next minute wants to give up. No. You've got to be positive-minded about your goals and expectation for 2015 and not be sidetracked by anything contrary to your dreams. This is very important because it will not always be smooth sailing as you trudge along gradually and steadily towards your expectations. Keep your eyes on the goal no matter what.
Be Patient
Patience is a virtue many of us lack yet need for us to ever see our dreams come true. Our expectations are usually in a straight line inside our heads (as we've planned) but our realities are usually in a maze as we come to eventually realize. It doesn't necessarily mean that our dreams are wrong or impossible to attain but that there will always be circumstances and situations outside our realm of control that we must need to put up with as we work on getting to our goals.
Be Certain
You must be sure of where you want to go or get to in the coming year otherwise there's no point at all aspiring to get anywhere. Being certain of what you want helps you to stay the course and gives you an internal push that can't be given to you by anyone else, even those closest to you. Be clear about what you want and be certain about it. Then all your efforts towards it will not be scattered into other endeavors and you will have the necessary strength and staying power to pull through whenever obstacles or distractions come up to derail your journey.
Be Ready
Taking responsibility for your own journey is very important as no one else will do that for you. Being responsible means you're willing and ready to face whatever comes, that you're willing and ready to make the necessary tough calls, and that you're willing and ready to accept whatever outcomes may reveal themselves as a result of whatever judgment calls you made in the face of whatever situation that comes your way. Being ready will mean your being disciplined and diligent for your cause and would entail owning your decisions and actions. After all, it's your good life you seek for 2015 and so you better be ready to fight for it.
These are but a few vital principles that we must all take to heart as we approach the New Year. If we can adhere to them passionately, we stand a great chance of giving 2015 a good definition that in turn will lead to the attainment of good results.
I've already started putting my plans in place; I strongly suggest that you do likewise.
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