In this world we all presently live in, everybody is in a rush to meet up with many things that are themselves a rush! We are in a hurry to get to work, in a hurry to get out of work, in a hurry to dive into relationships and in a hurry to dive out of them! We are in a hurry to gain admission into higher institutions of learning and in the next breath very eager to quickly finish. We are in a hurry to decide what professions our children should pursue or what status of persons they must end up marrying. The list is very long indeed. We are just so much in a hurry and make decisions every day quite oblivious of the repercussions of every single one, the repercussions on others or on our environment.
We truly need to slow down. No matter how hasty we are to do something or to get anywhere, we will never be able to outrun time. No matter what we do, time will never stop for our sakes. So it is in our own best interest that we slow down, pause and properly think about what we are either rushing after or rushing into, for we could very well just be saving our lives or futures by doing so.
Taking full control of our lives begins with actually being able to control how we behave in the face of pressing or calm situations. Every time we have is actually an opportunity to make a mark, whether positive or negative, and the decisions we make therein are very key to the results that follow therewith.
Knowing where to go or what to do per time is very important to every human being and so one could understand the reason behind some of our haste, especially if we feel or believe we simply cannot afford not to do something quickly or get an expected result soonest. But the fallout may not be favorable to others around us or to the vicinity in which we find ourselves.
It will cost you nothing to calm down a bit to properly weigh up your available options before you eventually go ahead with what you've planned. In some cases, if you do slow down a bit, you would eventually realize that your original option wasn't the right one to take but that you had allowed the pressures of either time or other people or possibly circumstances dictate what you really should have done.
You want to feel relieved and fulfilled when you've taken a decision, don't you? So my personal suggestion to you is that you simply pause and ponder before you make that decision; it could be really worth your while in gold!
In a few days from now, one of my pet projects and dreams will hit the Abuja radio airwaves. It's aptly called PAUSE & PONDER MOMENTS WITH MICHAEL IBIORIKA. So for all inhabitants of Abuja and its environs, be on the lookout for this radio programme as I'm very sure it will bless and benefit you richly every week. You can afford not to bother but do you really want to take that chance? Kindly pause and ponder a moment and be blessed beyond your wildest dreams. I promise you, you will love it.
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